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Medical Monitoring

For individuals with an eating disorder diagnosis, or for those experiencing moderate to severe symptoms, your family doctor or pediatrician are an important part of your care team.  In order to access therapy, regular medical monitoring, and signed consent allowing all care providers to communicate, is required.  

Youth Under Age 16

For youth under the age of 16 who are attending an individual session, a parent/caregiver must be readily accessible in case of emergency or a need to safety plan.   


I believe that youth are best served when treated in the context of their family system when appropriate.  Depending on individual needs and circumstances, some parent/caregiver involvement in service is encouraged for individuals under the age of 18, or for those still residing in the family home.  



Confidentiality of your therapy is of utmost importance.  With the exception of some specific situations (outlined below), your information cannot, and will not be shared with anyone else, unless you have provided me with written consent.  



It is important to note that there are limits to confidentiality.  Circumstances that may require confidentiality to be broken include:


  •  If I believe that you or someone else is at imminent risk of harm, I am obligated to call emergency services (ie. an abulance or police services), and/or to call your emergency contact or others who can help provide protection. 


  • If I believe that a child (16 years of age or younger) is at risk of, or is being abused or neglected, I am legally obligated to contact child protection services.


  • If you disclose abuse by a health care professional, I am required to inform the appropriate regulatory body.


  • A court has subpoenaed your records and/or a judge had ordered my testimony.  

Appointment Cancellations

Please contact me as soon as possible if your are unable to attend your scheduled appointment. 


Sessions cancelled with less than 24 hours notice, and missed appointments/no-shows will be charged the full standard session rate.

Additional policies are outlined in the Consent to Treatment form provided upon booking an initial appointment.

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